
Why Become a Sponsor


Your product or service could reach over 350,000 people from all over the region!!!



The Ohio Sauerkraut Festival, held in historic Waynesville in Warren County, Ohio attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors from the tri-state area each year. We are seeking sponsors that could benefit from the unique exposure our event can provide.

In exchange for your support, the OSF committee will use every opportunity to promote you and your products and services throughout the festival. In addition, you will be visible on all festival programs, rack cards, print ads, our website, and dozens or online community calendars. We also advertise through many regional television, radio, and newspaper press release and interviews conducted throughout the months leading up to the festival. We think you will agree that the name and product placements we can achieve on your behalf would be extremely valuable.

We are excited to begin working with you and your staff on your sponsorship. Will you be a part of it? For more information on becoming a Festival sponsor, contact The Waynesville Area Chamber of Commerce.

image of festival